Sunday, 28 July 2013

The Power of Good News

Normally watching the news is a depressing thing to do, but over the last couple of years we have had several high profile good news events.

  1. The Royal Wedding
  2. The Queen's Diamond Jubilee
  3. The Olympics
  4. The Paralympics
  5. The birth of Prince George
What I have noticed most is how the effect of celebrating these events changes the whole feel of the country and makes Great Britain a better place.

If for nothing else, we should be grateful to sport and the Royal Family for the opportunities they give us to celebrate!

Perhaps it is time to get onto the news channels and start complaining about the unrelenting bad news. 
Perhaps we need to be pushing the media to start spending more time on celebrating success rather than bemoaning disaster.

Certainly I think we need to be challenging those pessimistic kill-joys who always see the downside (and cost) in good news. The benefits for everyone in the feel-good factor for outweigh anything else, and it's about time we stood up for the power of fun!

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